St. Paraskeva Medical Center

St. Paraskeva Medical Center
St. Paraskeva Medical Center is a clinical-diagnostic medical center that combines the services of radiology complex, functional and laboratory diagnostics, endoscopy, outpatient department for adults and children and one-day surgery department. The brand is also represented by five branches of the outpatient department in Lviv and Kyiv and continues to expand its network. In October 2020, the brand began large-scale building of a hospital, the launch of which will be a real challenge for Ukrainian medical market operators, both private and public sector.

Our task
To conduct a full marketing audit of the brand, determine its positioning on the market and develop a marketing strategy.
Marketing audit and strategy
We made an audit of the brand's product line, pricing policy, key business indicators and processes, we developed a positioning map and identified brand's competitive position in the market.
For analysis, we used methods of field research, observation and in-depth interviews

An important and priority task for us was to explore each segment of the key patient and create the Сustomer Journey Map.

This gave us the opportunity to see the whole patient`s way from the moment when he realizes the necessity to go to the doctor till the stage when he has already visited him and has some impressions about that visit.

The knowledge of needs of our patient in every that stage gave us a possibility to develop an effective strategy for improvment his experience of interacting with the brand at every point of contact with it.
For the most comprehensive restart of the brand, we did not limit ourselves just to developing a marketing strategy, but also we worked at business strategy, competitive, customer, communication and media strategy, which allowed us to create the most detailed roadmap for the brand with step-by-step action plan and algorithm of all internal processes.
Feedback from our client St. Paraskeva Medical Center
Today we are happy to see the effective implementation of our brand development strategy, expansion of the branch network in the concept of "Paraskeva is nearby", new achievements of ambitious goals. Leaders must remain leaders always!